Michael Bond
Michael Bond is an English writer.
He was born in Newbury, a small town in South-East England, on January 13, 1926. He studied at the Catholic school. During the Second World War he served in the Royal Air Force of Great Britain.
Bond began writing in 1945. In 1958, wrote his first story about Paddington - "Bear Paddington." After 7 years, the writer has already published a whole series of stories about the bear cub.
Now the writer lives in London, near Paddington station, he is married, he has two adult children.
A famous quote, "Childhood shows a person how the morning shows the day" speaks about the importance of children. It is understood that the early signs are not pointers to the future. This is the purpose of this essay.
That the morning can be the beginning of what will be on this day. If it is bright and clear, it can be indicated that on a warm clear day it will be different. If it's cloudy, dull or foggy when cold winds blow. So it's usually wrong to judge the day in the morning.
Therefore, one can not rely on the signs of the morning, which can follow the day.
This is true for children. There are cases when children were boring in childhood, and later they turned out to be brilliant scientists. The opposite is also true in children who, in their childhood, have shown themselves brilliantly and have become boring. For example, Albert Einstein studied badly in his childhood, but in the future he became a great scientist!
Although it is true that the seed shows the tree, how healthy and good the tree grows, depends on many other factors. So in the case of a child. Thus, the statement is only partially true.
As we know many people love to read books. They love to dive into the fairy-tale world and present themselves as heroes of their favorite book. Our class also does not differ.
Me: For example, I read the book "Manyunya." I and the main character of this book have a lot in common, for example names. In childhood I was called Manyunya, just like the name of the heroine. Manyunya and I are very fond of music. I am very sociable and because of this I have many friends. But we have differences: in childhood, my parents indulged me, and Manyunya lived all her life only with her grandmother. My friend
Sima: read the book "Black Beauty", this book, as she said, about the black horse. Sims have many friends, just like the main character. She is very hardworking as Black Beauty, because Sima does everything to the smallest drop. She is very persistent. As well as the differences: The horse has dark hair, but my friend does not.
Alice: she is now reading a book called "Feline Warriors". The character with whom she compares herself is Firestar 9. Alice loves stars very much, this is similarity. She is also a leader in any company, for example in our school. There were no differences between Alice and the main character.
Kirill: Kirill's book about Hercules Poirot. I think that Kirill is such a person, because he is very clever, but modest. Kirill collects figurines of various heroes in his own similarity. But there is a difference: Kirill is not as famous around the world as Hercules, but I think the whole change.
Dasha K: Dasha is reading the book "Pollyanna". This book is about a girl with red hair. This is the similarity of Dasha and Pollyanna. Dasha is an optimist and she smiles always and everywhere. Differences: Pollyanna has no parents, but Dasha has them.
Vasilisa: she is reading the book "Invisible Man". Similarity: Vasya is an unusual person, and all unusual people are strange. Vasya loves non-standard things, and this is awesome! Differences: Vasilisa is not a visible person, well, at least in our class everyone sees her!
Dasha U: she reads the book Alice in Wonderland. Dasha is a very secret person, maybe in her thoughts or dreams she loves to get into a non-existent world, as the main character of her book. Differences: Dasha can't talk to animals
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