Final topic 6 module
Today, everyone can access the Internet, but there are dangerous people who surf the Internet. "Hackers are hightly intelligent programmers who can easily break into your computer system and infect it with a virus. When you have created your email don't open the emails from people you don""t know. On the Internet you can see a lot of pictures of street art. Street Art divides public opinion; it is seen by some as a way to brighten up our communities while it is considered by others to be nothing but vandalism. For example, “graffiti knitting”, creating colourful decorations for lampposts, parking meters, cars and statues. If you continue to talk about street art The International Petersburg Graffiti Art Forum, is a new exciting and innovative art festival held Saint Petersburg every summer. Artists and designers from all over the world create their graffiti masterpieces in the streets of the city . In St. Petersburg in 2015, Agatha Christie'...