
Сообщения за май, 2018
War ... How much pain she brought to people. And only those people who managed to survive it, can understand what a terrible meaning this word has. Her events can not leave indifferent any person in the world and all those people who have gone through all its ordeals, they must be called heroes. I believe that every warrior contributed to our victory, to the victory of our Motherland over the enemy. How much loss and grief did the Great Patriotic War bring? Live every day, fearing death, fearing for the lives of men who have left to defend their Motherland, fearing that children may die of hunger, and also fearing that the Germans will come and take away everything that is so dear to the heart. Not everyone will be able to endure not only physical, but also moral suffering. To be honest, I admire our veterans, what's more, I'm proud of them! After all, such brave people who are capable of anything - even to give their lives for the good of their country - are few, and this is ...
A famous quote, "Childhood shows a person how the morning shows the day" speaks about the importance of children. It is understood that the early signs are not pointers to the future. This is the purpose of this essay. That the morning can be the beginning of what will be on this day. If it is bright and clear, it can be indicated that on a warm clear day it will be different. If it's cloudy, dull or foggy when cold winds blow. So it's usually wrong to judge the day in the morning. Therefore, one can not rely on the signs of the morning, which can follow the day. This is true for children. There are cases when children were boring in childhood, and later they turned out to be brilliant scientists. The opposite is also true in children who, in their childhood, have shown themselves brilliantly and have become boring. For example, Albert Einstein studied badly in his childhood, but in the future he became a great scientist! Although it is true that the seed sho...
On which island is the UK? What influences nature in the Great Britain?  What is the climate in the UK? which countries are in the UK? Do you think many animals live in the UK? What  national  regions can  be divided into Great Britain? What's on the flag of Man Island?  Which animal is considered the national in the country of Scotland?  What is the most popular plant in Ireland? What colors are the flags of Ireland? What island is not in the UK? are there many birds in the UK? a lot of precipitation a year falls in the Great Britian? What ocean is washed by Great Britain? What is the difference between the weather in Russia and the weather in the UK?
План на неделю:  Так как начинаются майские праздники, у меня пропадает 3 урока. Их ребята будут проводить себе самостоятельно , но задание по 5 модулю буду составлять я! Место понедельника я составлю карточку с временами Present perfect and Past simple(это задание для повторения грамматики) и задания в рабочей тетради. Р.Т стр. 44 з. 2,3 и 5; стр.  45 з. 3; стр. 46 з. 1,2 и стр. 48 з. 1,2.  Вместо урока в среду , я дам карточки с повторение Conditionals 3 + повторить правило ,,Выражения желаний”.  В четверг когда у меня будет урок я спрошу у учеников правила : Present perfect , Past perfect и Conditional 3. Если ребята что-то не помнят, я им помогу ! На уроке мы будем выполнять упражнения на знания слов Модуля 5. Вот так пройдёт неделя на которой я буду учителем!